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Quotation Notice | Quotation Notice | INVITATION FOR TENDER | INVITATION FOR TENDER | Fundamentals of Research Methodology
News Update

Strategic Management Outcomes

  • Course Duration
    • The length of the Strategic Management Course is three weeks (15 days). The sessions are held on all weekdays except government holidays. However, a session may held on the weekend depending on the necessity. Participation of the trainees in all activities are mandatory during training.
  • Resource Persons/Facilitators
    • Drawn from the academia, universities, research institutes, government and private sectors as well as the judiciary, law and enforcement and defense services, development partners and NGO sectors.
  • Sessions
    • Maximum 4 sessions a day.
  • Lecture Duration
    • Each session will be one and a half hour long.
  • Class Size
    • Number of participants per batch – 30
  • Quality & Monitoring
    • Training materials and the contents will be uploaded regularly based on feedback from trainees, trainers and subject matter experts. Additionally, the Training Management Committee and Project Standing Committee will play a very vital role in assuring the program’s overall excellence.
  • Training Details and Instruction Format
    • There will be six (6) modules over the course of three weeks; there will be a total of fifty sessions for three weeks. Each module will contain roughly 7-10 lectures.
    • The class will be conducted five days a week (Saturday-Wednesday). The morning session will begin at 9:00 a.m. with a 30 minute tea break between the two sessions before lunch. The afternoon session will start at 1:30 p.m. with a 15 minute tea break between two sessions. Library and IT attachment will be a part of the training.
    • Participants will receive Transportation Allowances (TAs) only for attending the training days.
    • The medium of instructions of the course is English. The institute encourages the participants to develop their oral and written skills in English through practicing inside and outside the classroom. More importantly, all assignments, both group and individual presentations, will be in English.
    • The institutions will provide adequate reading materials, handouts, and stationary items.
  • Assessment of the Trainees
    • For the Strategic Management Course, trainees are expected to develop a strategic plan for his/her organization and submit it as his/her term paper which will be the basis of evaluation/assessment for their performance in the training program. There will be no other written or oral test, although trainees will remain under close observation of the program management throughout the course period.
  • Course Management Team (CMT)
    • The course management team comprises of Program Director, Deputy Program Director, Training Coordinator from BIGM, Officer (Finance), Officer (Administrator) and other support stuff of Project Implementation Unit (PIU). The program Director manages each activity of the course along with other members of CMT, and the Director of BIGM guides the whole work. The participants are encouraged to share any feedback with CMT to ensure quality training.
  • Food/Meals
    • Meals are arranged for participants through the course management team. The participants will take their snacks, lunch and afternoon tea within the scheduled time at the specified dining room/cafeteria. CMT is responsible for maintaining the overall quality of meals served to the participants.
Updated at 02-Sep-2022