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Quotation Notice | Quotation Notice | INVITATION FOR TENDER | INVITATION FOR TENDER | Fundamentals of Research Methodology
News Update

Learning Outcomes of Research Methodology


  • Course Structure
    • This training course is divided broadly into three (3) phases.
      • First Phase: Theoretical aspects of research and research methodology
      • Second Phase: The practical orientation of data collection through quantitative and qualitative tools and techniques and engaged in data analysis using different software.
      • Third Phase: Focusing on research report writing exercises and scientific journal publication process with a particular focus on referencing system (both manual and software). Preparing reports through group activities and submit their reports. Successful completion/presentation of the report/concept note is mandatory to be awarded with the certificate.
  • Course Duration
    • The length of the Research Methodology Course is 6 weeks. The sessions are held on Saturday and Monday, except government holidays. Participation of the trainees in all activities are mandatory during training.
  • Resource Persons/Facilitators
    • Some of the brightest minds drawn from the academia, universities, research institutes, government and private sectors.
  • Sessions
    • Total number of sessions 12 (twelve).
    • Maximum 2 (two) sessions a day.
  • Lecture Duration
    • Each session is one and a half hour long.
  • Class Size
    • Number of participants per batch – 30
  • Quality & Monitoring
    • There will be a pre-evaluation before the course begins and a post-evaluation after the course concludes to understand the insight of the participants about Research Methodology.
    • After each session, a Researcher Evaluation is to be conducted to monitor the progress of the participants.


Updated at 11-Jun-2022